Getting rid of white heads :-
White heads are a common problem with people suffering from acne. They are generally developed from the dead skin cells and block the pores of the hair growth. They are generally found in people suffering from stress and trauma. They are very common in people with oily skin and faces. They can also be caused because of smoking and also occurs on the unclean face as well. They have similar symptoms as of acne but unlike the acne, they don’t pain. It is easy getting rid of white heads and one can easily get rid of white heads by using some very easy and effective home remedies.
Get Rid of Whiteheads Fast
Best way to remove whiteheads:-
Methods like scrubbing with oatmeal scrubs, helps in keeping the face clean and also opens the blocked ores of the face as well. It is used along with water, honey and mixture of sugar. It is advised to massage the face gently with the mixture for 5 minutes for better results. Rubbing the face with the pulp of tomatoes also helps in fighting against the development of the whiteheads in the face and is the best way to remove whiteheads. Another effective preventive method for preventing the growth of whiteheads in faces will be using the mixture of milk, lemon juice and salt for cleaning the face. It is advised to use the mixture as a face pack for 20 minutes and then be washed with cold water for better results.
Get rid of whiteheads overnight:-
There are several other methods for treating the whiteheads. The use of potato face mask is very effective in addressing the problem of whiteheads. Potato masks can be kept on the face continuously for 30 minutes and then can be rinsed off with water. The use of toothpastes on the affected areas can also be treated as one of the most effective and the easily available homemade remedies for the whiteheads problem and helps to get rid of whiteheads overnight. The toothpaste contains the fluoride that helps in preventing the development of the whiteheads. One who is sensitive enough to applying toothpaste over their faces can use clay mask as well for the treatment of the whiteheads. Applying the clay mask for a period of 10 minutes and then washing the same off with lukewarm water also helps.
Best way to get rid of whiteheads:-
Sometimes easily available minerals and salts across can also be used for the treatment of the whiteheads. The use of a paste of baking soda and applying the same on the face helps for preventing the whiteheads as well and is the best way to get rid of whiteheads. Applying lemon juice with cotton balls over the face also helps to fight back the problems of whiteheads. The citric acid in lemons helps in removing the whiteheads from the face. Washing the face with almonds and rose water mixture for 15 minutes also helps in removing and preventing the development of the whiteheads on the face. Thus these home remedies are the best in treating the problems of whiteheads.